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Your Breakthrough

This session packs a punch. It is designed to support you right now and to get you the most powerful results in one session. In this session we will get straight to the thing that is causing you the biggest issue and we will go straight to the route of this to enable rapid change. 

This is powerful when you have a specific goal in mind, when there is something in particular you want to work on, but so far you have struggled to resolve this yourself. 

Is it for you - if you have a specific issue that can be tackled in a focused way and you want to deal with it as quickly as possible. It is for you if you find yourself wanting to move forward but are feeling a bit stuck or are unsure what to do.

What's included: 

- Therapeutic  Session (up to 90mins)
- Personalised Plan / Summary
- Connection following to check in with progress and offer support for your next steps 

Investment - £333 -


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Client Feedback from Breakthrough Session

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